I am constantly reinventing myself as an artists. In this timeline you can see my journey. I started painting in 1977. I became a master in 1990 I thought I knew it all. Far from it. I learned that being a MDA was only a very small step in art. Very small. There was so much more to learn. So I started painting roses. By 1996 you can see the style I was doing. 3 front petals. ALL my roses had 3 front petals. ALWAYS…. In 2002 we were just beginning to use the Traditions and I was still trying to capture some new looks. By 2005 I learned better how to use the paint and tried even more new looks. In 2008 we developed Heritage and my abilities went up with the paint. Completely new Heritage system, new ways and new looks, so by 2010 I was able to now capture transparent petal looks and better use of warm and cools. I finally started to “see” roses and was getting better at capturing shapes. 2014 was the year I pushed speed painting and using a large brush to paint shapes differently. Trying to break old habits. By July of 2015 I can paint a nice rose in under 10 minutes. Use warm and cools, make a variety of petals….. not just 3 in the center.
I have so enjoyed my journey. I have created a lot of nice paintings. All the roses shown here (except july 2015) are hanging in my office at home. I look at them every day. I will add a new rose to this collection in a few years. When I change. I will change because each day I practice and try new things. That is my journey. I push myself with 30 minute paintings…. 1 or 2 brushes, limited palette. I push and push and push to try new things. I always change. That is my challenge to myself as an artists. I want to improve.
Can I teach you to paint….. OF COURSE! I can show you all the problems and how to see roses, especially as I learn to see even more……. the only thing I can’t give you is desire. That you must provide. You have that, we can and will paint beautiful things.
I don’t see a lot of change in painters today. I go to conventions and everything is the same ol thing….. basecoat shadow and highlight. Not there anymore. It was fun at one time, and I so enjoyed it because it allowed me to paint a rose in 1996. I am different today. I want to do new things and push myself to new levels of painting. What are we going to paint in the future??? Who knows! Hang on though, we are going for a ride and I have many new ideas and a paint that can do it.